8 parenting tips for raising kids in a high tech world
Spy Phone at Jun 18 2020 8:12PM
8 parenting tips for raising kids in a high tech world
Today, youngsters are accessing technology at ages that would be unheard of for earlier generations. The high tech world we live in comes with its fair share of pros and cons and parenting in such an age can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you out.
Accept the reality of its existence
Don’t crib about the existence of technology. While it may have some drawbacks, it also offers several benefits. Moreover, it’s here to stay so complaining about it isn’t about to bring you the desired outcome. Accept this reality first.
Communicate its benefits and drawbacks openly
It’s important for your child to understand why you say a particular thing, instead of just seeing you get upset about them using technology. You need to communicate openly with your child about the pros and cons of technology and teach digital wellness. Tell them about the dangers of cyberbullying, questionable content, and predatory behaviour. Teach them how to think critically and stay protected from its dangers. Encourage the healthy use of technology to increase productivity in your child. When there’s open communication, your child will also feel a lot more comfortable approaching you if something goes wrong.
Keep an eye
You need to monitor their use of technology to make sure that it’s not reaching unhealthy levels. While you’re at it, you can also keep track of their online behaviours using apps like spy phone, spy phone app, and phone tracker.
Don’t use it as an emotional pacifier
If you’re tired and just aren’t in the mood to entertain your child, don’t let them resort to using technology to keep them occupied. Even if your child is throwing a tantrum, technology mustn’t be used as an emotional pacifier. You need to encourage healthy behaviours and find other ways to prevent them from getting bored.
Limit screen time and create tech-free zones
Limit screen time for your kids and explain to them why this is necessary. Creating tech-free zones in the house will also make it necessary for all members of the family to be off technology and provide an opportunity to strengthen family bonds.
Encourage real world connections
It’s important to encourage real world connections in your child rather than them being dependent on technology. Take them out and let them play with other children. Social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development is affected by excessive use of technology.
Plan family time
Make sure you set aside some family time. You can even get involved in their world of technology by participating in it. Play games together, catch up with relatives, watch a movie together, or learn something new. These activities encourage healthy use of technology and help to improve family relationships.
Lead by example
Children tend to follow what their parents do, so make sure you lead by example with your own use of technology.